Selling Digital Products : A guide to making money as a creative on Bareconnect

Selling digital products will help you generate passive income and it’ll also opens up opportunities for connecting with other creatives and expanding your client base. In this article, we'll go through the step by step process you can follow to sell digital products on Bareconnect.

As a creative, it can be challenging to turn your passion into a profitable business. Selling digital products can be a rewarding way for creatives to generate passive income and expand their client base. By offering digital courses, e-books, music, or stock photos, you can monetize your creativity while enjoying the flexibility and scalability that digital products provide. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of selling digital products on Bareconnect.

Sign up on Bareconnect and choose a template

After signing up on the Bareconnect platform, select a suitable template for your website. Customize your store using the simple template editor to create an immersive experience for your customers - click here for a guide on selecting a template

Uploading your digital product

On your dashboard, simply click on the "commerce" button at the top left corner and then "all products" on the drop - down from the commerce button. From there, you may click on the "add product" button at the top right corner of the page. See illustration below :

For a more extensive look on uploading products, watch this video

After the "add a product" button is clicked, make sure to select "digital" for the product type since you're looking to sell a downloadable digital file to your customers or fan base.


Remember to add a preview of your product whilst uploading so the potential buyer may have a feel of what they are about to buy. It is also very important to adequately provide details of what you're selling so your buyers are not confused whilst shopping.

In conclusion, selling digital products as a creative offers numerous benefits, including passive income, increased visibility, flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. By following these tips, you can get started on your journey as a digital product creator and start monetizing your creativity on Bareconnect.