Ehizogie shares her Inspiring story of running a successful fashion brand.

Ehizogie Lawani, a fashion designer known for her beautiful and unique designs that incorporate African patterns and unique fabrics, talks in this interview about how she started her business, the challenges she faced, and how she has used Bareconnect to grow her business.

Ehizogie Lawani Business Brand

Ehizogie Lawani Business Brand

JAB Clari: Hi Ehizogie, it's so nice to finally meet you. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me today.

Ehizogie: It's my pleasure.

JAB Clari: I'm excited to learn more about your business, Ehizogie Lawani. Can you tell me a little bit about how the name came about? It's unique.

Ehizogie: Sure. The name Ehizogie is a Benin word from Nigeria that means "God's crown." I wanted a name that was both unique and meaningful, and I thought Ehizogie was the perfect fit.

JAB Clari: That's a beautiful name, it's indeed a perfect fit and matches your designs. They're just as beautiful. I love the way you incorporate African patterns into your clothes.

Ehizogie: Thank you. I'm inspired by the African woman and other African designers. I want my clothes to help women express their individuality and confidence.

JAB Clari: I can see that. Your clothes are eye-catching. And I'm curious to know, just how long have you been in business?

Ehizogie: I've been working in the fashion retail industry for nearly five years, but my brand, Ehizogie Lawani, has only been around for a year.

JAB Clari: Wow, 5 years! And even more impressive because your brand Ehizogie Lawani has been around for just a year and looks like a decade old business. How have you been able to grow your business so quickly? I mean It sounds like you've had a lot of experience in the fashion industry. How has that experience helped you with Ehizogie Lawani?

Ehizogie: A lot of hard work and determination and I must say that I've been able to grow quickly thanks to my experience in the industry. I know what it takes to create a successful fashion brand, and I'm applying all of that knowledge to my own business. I'm also passionate about my designs, and I think that comes through in my work. I'm confident that my brand will continue to grow and succeed in the years to come

JAB Clari: That's impressive. It sounds like you've put your experience to good use.

Ehizogie: Thank you. I'm passionate about fashion, and I'm glad that I can use my experience to help other women look and feel their best.

JAB Clari: Your website just like your fashion products, is as beautiful. It's simple and so clean and has a nice customer experience. Most businesses here don't think having an online store is important. Tell me more about why you had to get it and how you discovered Bareconnect.

Ehizogie Landing Page

Ehizogie Landing Page

Ehizogie: Thank you! I'm glad you think so. I believe that having an online store is essential for any business that wants to reach a wider audience. In today's digital age, people are increasingly shopping online, and if you don't have an online presence, you're missing out on a lot of potential customers.

YOU HEARD HER. You don't want to miss out

I got to know about Bareconnect through a friend. Before Bareconnect, I was struggling to receive payments from international customers. Mobile Money and Bank transfer is the most common payment-receiving method in Ghana and Nigeria, but this is not an option for international customers. I was bent on finding a solution for that and Bareconnect made it possible for me to do that. Now I accept payments from international customers using third-party solutions like Paystack and Flutterwave that comes out of the box with the platform. This has allowed me to reach a wider audience and grow my business.

JAB Clari: That's amazing! I can see how that would be a huge help.

Ehizogie: It has been. Bareconnect has also made it easy for me to manage my business from anywhere. I can access my account through their app, from my laptop or smartphone, so I can always keep an eye on my orders and inventory. This has been a lifesaver, especially since I travel a lot.

JAB Clari: I'm blown away by such an amazing platform. It sounds like it's been a real game-changer for your business.

Ehizogie: It has been. I'm so grateful for Bareconnect and the support they've given me. I would recommend them to any other business owner.

JAB Clari: Thank you so much for your time, Ehizogie. It's been a pleasure talking to you but before we go, any advice for business owners and people that want to start their business?

Ehizogie: Certainly, for those aspiring to embark on the journey of starting a business, here's some advice: Take that initial step. This is a sign for them to do so. Contrary to popular belief, the beginning isn't insurmountable – things become smoother with time.

  • Do your research and understand the market you're entering. Understand your target customers, your competition, and the legal and regulatory requirements for your business.
  • Be passionate about your business. If you're not passionate about your business, it will be difficult to succeed. You need to be willing to put in the hard work and dedication it takes to make your business successful.
  • Be persistent and consistent. There will be challenges along the way, but it's important to be persistent and never give up on your dream. Be willing to learn because the business world is constantly changing, so it's important to be willing to learn new things and adapt to change.
  • Use the right tools: There are a lot of great tools available to help small businesses succeed. One of the most important tools is a good e-commerce platform. Bareconnect is a great platform that can help you set up your brand or online store and supercharge your business. It's so easy to use, and it offers a lot of valuable features that can help sell fast and 10x more. Trust me, you'll have to restock your inventory almost every two weeks.

JAB Clari: Fantastic.Thank you so much for your advice, Ehizogie. It's been a pleasure talking to you. I'm sure your advice will be helpful to many people and businesses alike.

So what are you waiting for? Start selling online today with Bareconnect!