⏰⚡️ Time to recover your lost sales with the Abandoned Cart tool

Boost revenue, improve conversions, gain customer insights, and stay ahead of the competition. Act now to maximize success! Send up to three emails reminding your customers to go back to their cart and checkout their items.

Abandoned Checkout Dashboard

Abandoned Checkout Dashboard

We understand that sometimes customers may add items to their cart but for various reasons, leave without completing the purchase hence the term Abandoned Cart. It would help if you didn't miss out on these valuable opportunities, which is why Bareconnect is offering you this powerful tool.

Send up to three emails reminding your customers to return to their cart and checkout their items. These emails are automatically sent in the order of :

1. Initial Notification - Sent 15 minutes after an order is placed with no payment.

2. Reminder Notification - Sent 2 days after an order is placed with no payment.

3. Final Notification - Sent 3 days after an order is placed with no payment.

You can also customize the content of the email being sent, to include discounts and other attractive offers to encourage customers to complete the purchase.

Customizing the abandoned checkout email

Customizing the abandoned checkout email

Watch the video for more on how to use this feature to boost your sales.